April 10, 2003
Lifang Dong receives the official recognition by the Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome and the Italian Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Milan (merged in Italy China Foundation), as the youngest author of Chinese origin in legal matters with the publication "China in the WTO: the new rules of the intellectual property" (La Tribuna, 2003).
December 8, 2017
Ms. Lifang Dong, selected on global scale as legal counsel for Italy in Europe by the China State Council’s China Overseas Office (i.e. Chinese Government) on December 8, 2017 in Beijing.

May 31, 2018
Avv. Lifang Dong, managing partner of Dong & Partners International Law Firm, is recognised as the Best Foreign Entrepreneur in Italy for the Innovation Category at the Moneygram Awards 2018 in Rome. It is the first time, in the Prize's ten years-history, that a lawyer of Chinese origin obtains this recognition. Dong & Partners has been recognized as the "bridge" between the East and the West, as well as between the Chinese community and the Italian institutions, aiding the internationalization of Italian and Chinese excellences.

September 24, 2018
Avv. Lifang Dong, managing partner of Dong & Partners International Law Firm, receives the official recognition as the first member of Chinese origin to support the core values of Canova, an exclusive networking club with 43 years of history: Friendship, Culture and Solidarity.

December 18, 2018
On December 18, 2018 the ceremony of the Meronis International Prize was held at Palazzo Marchese Ferrajoli in Rome.
This initiative, promoted by F. AGRI (Italian Agricultural Supply Chain) and Cantina Moronia, with the patronage of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies and the Campania Region, has awarded 13 excellences that have distinguished themselves in Italian food and wine in the sectors related to: History, Culture, Cuisine, Finance, Journalism, Television, Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Sport, Music, Institutions, Tourism and Fashion.
In this event, Avv. Lifang Dong, managing partner of Dong & Partners International Law Firm, was rewarded for the "Entrepreneurship and Wine" category, for her experience in internationalization of Made in Italy in foreign markets.

May 2019
President of People's Republic of China, Mr. XI Jingping met the 9th World Conference of Chinese Overseas Friendship Association and the 1st Summit of the 5th Chinese Overseas Friendship Conference in May 2019. Ms. Lifang Dong was selected on global scale as one of the representative members for Italy.