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March 31, 2022 Webinar on cultural identity at the Belluno Bar Association


The webinar "Cultural identity a choice of love: love for one's own identity and the freedom to choose to embrace different cultures" was held on March 31, 2022 from 3 to 5 pm. The event accredited by the Belluno Bar Association and sponsored, among others, by the Veneto Region and the Silk Council Association, was moderated by Kaoutar Badrane, the first lawyer in Italy with Moroccan origin and by the Rai 3 journalist Davide De Michelis.

Among the distinguished speakers: Maria Masi, President of the CNF, Elena Donazzan, Councilor of the Veneto Region, Erminio Mazzucco, President of the Belluno Bar Association, Angelo Ruberto, President of the National Forensic Network, Sonia Sommacal, Vice President Adu Association for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights, Alessia Micoli, Forensic Psychologist, Lifang Dong, first lawyer of Chinese origin in Italy, Founder of Dong & Partners international law firm and President of Silk Council Association, Margherita Morelli, Vice President of the European Network of Associations of lay judges, Giuliana Scrocca, Member of minors commission of the Rome Bar Association, Federica Bertolini, Business Consultant United Arab Emirates.

During the webinar the theme of integration between different cultures was addressed from a predominantly female perspective.

We thank Kaoutar Badrane for the welcome invitation and all the speakers who made this interesting event possible.

Dong & Partners

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