In order to promote the internationalization of micro-enterprises in the manufacturing sector through digital solutions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Trade Agency Agency have allocated non-repayable grants, whose application must be submitted by next 15 July through Invitalia.
The measure is aimed at Italian manufacturing micro-enterprises that have started the invoicing of commercial products for at least one year, as well as micro-enterprises set up in the form of networks or consortia of at least five enterprises.
The subsidy for micro-enterprises is € 4,000 against a minimum investment of 5,000, while for networks and consortia it is € 22,500, against a minimum investment of 25,000.
The grant will be disbursed in a single solution within 90 days of the submission of the request for disbursement, which may take place electronically between November 30, 2022 and September 30, 2023.
The bonus finances the expenses for the acquisition of digital solutions in internationalization activities, including:
implementation of a communication, information and promotion strategy for the digital export channel
digital marketing aimed at developing internationalization activities
CMS (Content Management System) services
consultancy services for the development of organizational processes and human capital
upgrade of hardware equipment necessary for the implementation of the services listed above
Read the original document: Bonus Export Digitale per le microimprese manifatturiere
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