With Law Decree no. 229 of December 30, 2021 and n.1 of January 7, 2022, new measures have been adopted in Italy on the Green Pass, quarantines and vaccination requirements.
Extension of use of the Enhanced Green Pass
From January 10, 2022 until the end of the state of emergency, the use of the reinforced Green Pass is extended to the following activities:
hotels and accommodation facilities;
celebrations resulting from civil or religious ceremonies;
festivals and fairs;
convention centers;
outdoor catering services;
ski lifts with tourist-commercial purposes even if located in ski areas;
swimming pools, swimming centers, team sports and wellness centers, even outdoors;
cultural center, social and recreational center for outdoor activities.
In addition, the reinforced Green Pass is required for access and use of means of transport including local or regional public transport.
The Enhanced Green Pass can be obtained with the completion of the vaccination cycle or recovery from Covid 19.
The precautionary quarantine does not apply to those who have had close contact with confirmed COVID-19 positive subjects within 120 days of completion of the primary vaccination cycle or recovery as well as after the booster dose.
Until the tenth day following the last exposure to the case, the aforementioned subjects are obliged to wear FFP2 respiratory protection devices and to carry out - only if symptomatic - a rapid or molecular antigen test on the fifth day following the last exposure to the case.
Finally, the termination of the quarantine or self-surveillance described above is expected to result in the negative outcome of a rapid or molecular antigen test, also carried out in private centers; in the latter case, the transmission of the report to the ASL with a negative outcome, also electronically, determines the termination of the quarantine or the period of self-surveillance.
The capacities will be allowed a maximum of 50% for outdoor and 35% for indoor.
Vaccination obligation
Vaccination obligation for all those who have reached the age of 50. For public and private workers aged 50, the Enhanced Green Pass will be required for access to workplaces from February 15, 2022.
Without age limits, the vaccination obligation is extended to university staff thus equated to school staff.
Basic Green Pass
The basic Green pass obligation is extended to those who access personal services from January 20, 2022 and also to public offices, postal, banking and financial services, commercial activities from February 1, 2022, subject to exceptions that will be identified with a Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers to ensure the satisfaction of essential and primary needs.
For entry into the Palaces of Justice, only witnesses and parties of the trial are exempted from the obligation to show the basic green pass. On the other hand, lawyers, judges, experts and other auxiliaries of the judge, in addition to administrative staff, are obliged to show the basic green pass.
The basic Green Pass verifies the successful vaccination against Sars-CoV-2, the recovery from the infection or the carrying out of a molecular or antigenic test with a negative result, valid for 72 and 48 hours respectively.
The rules for the management of positive cases are changing.
Italian Government Press Release of 29.12.2021
Italian Government Press Release of 5.1.2022
Table of activities allowed without / with Basic / Enhanced Green Pass
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