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PNRR ITALY: SIMEST (CDP Group): green light to the new Fund 394 financed by the European Union


Resources of € 1.2 billion reserved for the digital and green transition of SMEs. Non-repayable loans up to 25%. Focus on the South with dedicated resources for € 480 milion and Non-repayable loans up to 40%

The opening of the Portal on 28 October; pre-opening from October 21 to facilitate application upload operations.

SIMEST, a company of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group, announces that the Grant Committee, which met today, has approved the reopening of the new Fund 394: the public instrument to support the internationalization of Italian companies was financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and aims to promote the digital and ecological transition of Italian SMEs with an international vocation.

The Fund, managed by SIMEST in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), was endowed with 1.2 billion euros - of which 400 million relating to the non-repayable part of the co-financing.

Pre-Opening and Opening

On October 28th at 9:30 am the operational Portal will open for the reception of funding applications. But already from 21 October, companies will be able to pre-load the digitally signed application form, a novelty to facilitate the process of requesting funds.

For SMEs only. A single grant per company

The Fund's resources are intended exclusively for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the backbone of the Italian production system. The purpose of the tool is to support its international competitiveness by financing its digital and ecological transition, two growth drivers that have become fundamental for success in the global scenario and objective of the European NextGenerationEU Plan. For this, minimum spending quotas are set for this type of investment.

In addition, to ensure the maximum dissemination of subsidy interventions and allow access to a larger number of companies, each company may submit only one funding application.


It will be possible for the company to apply for a subsidized rate loan (currently 0.055% per annum) with a non-repayable co-financing rate of up to 25%, within the limit of the total public subsidies granted under the temporary framework, and without the need to submit guarantees. SMEs of the South: dedicated resources and non-repayable fund at 40%

The non-repayable co-financing ceiling rises to 40% for SMEs that have at least one operational headquarters in Southern Italy (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily); 40% of the overall endowment of the Fund is also reserved for these companies, ie 480 million euros.

The 3 grants: focus on digital and ecological transition

The Fund's resources will be channeled through three new loans: Digital and ecological transition of SMEs with an international vocation; Participation of SMEs in international fairs and exhibitions, also in Italy, and system missions and development of electronic commerce of SMEs in foreign countries (e-commerce). These are the characteristics of the three loans: 1. Digital and ecological transition of SMEs with an international vocation.

It is a subsidized loan, dedicated to SMEs established in the form of joint stock companies, with an export turnover of at least 10% in the last year or 20% in the last two years. At least 50% of the resources obtained must be allocated to investments for the digital transition and for the remaining part to investments for the ecological transition and international competitiveness. The instrument has a duration of 6 years, with 2 pre-amortization, and a maximum amount that can be financed of 300 thousand euros which cannot in any case exceed 25% of the average revenues resulting from the last two approved and filed financial statements; 2. Participation of SMEs in international fairs and exhibitions, also in Italy, and system missions.

It is a subsidized loan for the participation of SMEs in a single event of an international nature, including virtual ones, including: fair, exhibition, business mission and system mission, to promote business activities on foreign markets or in Italy. At least 30% of the funding must be allocated to digital expenses related to the event, unless the event itself is digital or ecological. The maximum amount of the loan is 150 thousand euros and cannot in any case exceed 15% of the average revenues resulting from the last two approved and filed financial statements. The repayment period is 4 years, with 1 year of pre-amortization. 3. Development of electronic commerce of SMEs in foreign countries (E-commerce).

It is a subsidized loan, dedicated to SMEs established in the form of joint stock companies, for the creation or improvement of their own e-commerce platform or access to a third party platform (market place) for the marketing of goods or services produced in Italy or with Italian brand. The amount that can be financed ranges from € 10,000 up to a maximum of € 300,000 for its own platform and up to a maximum of € 200,000 for a market place, without however exceeding 15% of the average revenues resulting from the last two approved and filed financial statements. The duration of the loan is 4 years with 1 year of pre-amortization. DECLARATIONS OF THE SIMEST TOP MANAGEMENT:

Pasquale Salzano, President of SIMEST said: "The National Recovery and Resilience Plan represents an unprecedented opportunity to make our country grow in a lasting, equitable and sustainable way. The launch of the new Fund 394 - which SIMEST manages on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation - is one of the first PNRR projects to be activated. We are ready to convey the resources that have been expressly assigned to us by the Plan to help our SMEs turn the page and engage the current global trade recovery trend ”. "With the pandemic, digitization and sustainability have established themselves as essential development variables: thanks to the resources of the PNRR we have been able to revolutionize the operation of our loans for internationalization and help SMEs to invest in the digital and ecological transition” said SIMEST CEO Mauro Alfonso - “a particular focus is placed on SMEs in the South that will enjoy greater benefits. The goal is to help bridge the gap with the rest of the country by reversing the phenomena of economic impoverishment ".

Original document available at (italian version):


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