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Tourism: 1.4 billion to support investments for businesses


The Minister of Tourism Massimo Garavaglia, the CEO of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) Dario Scannapieco and the General Manager of the Italian Banking Association (ABI) Giovanni Sabatini, have signed an agreement governing the granting of subsidized loans under the 'Revolving fund to support businesses and investments in research' (FRI), in line with the aims of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). This operation aims to redevelop and enhance tourism businesses by financing investment programs in energy transition, environmental sustainability and digital innovation to make the sector more attractive and competitive. The total resources could reach a total value of 1.4 billion euros.

The concessions are provided in the form of a capital contribution, granted to the beneficiary companies by the Ministry of Tourism using 180 million of PNRR resources. To these are added the subsidized loans, granted by CDP, for a total amount of up to 600 million, alongside loans of the same amount and duration (up to 15 years) granted by the banking sector at market conditions.

The incentives can be recognized to hotel companies, to structures that carry out agritourism activities, to companies in the exhibition and congress sector, including bathing establishments, spas, tourist ports and theme parks.

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